Search Results

There are 12 item(s) tagged with the keyword "air travel".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 12

1. Your Thumbprint for a Visa?

Russian airports will begin collecting biometric data from foreign visitors. 

Tags: biometrics, visas, air travel
2. The Pigeons Are Coming Too

Anya, a Russian influencer, took her more than 10 pets, including multiple pigeons, from Russia to Montenegro.

Tags: emigration, air travel, pigeons, Montenegro, russians abroad, animals
3. Cracking Down on Air Travel

Russia's aviation authority has placed its airport security on maximum antiterrorist alert.

Tags: transport, air travel, security
4. Lust for Almost-Wandering

An airport in Anapa is selling a flight experience that promises everything but the travel.

Tags: war in ukraine, travel, air travel
5. Russia in the Time of COVID

How has Russia changed since the last time you were there, pre-pandemic?

Tags: travel warning, united states, air travel, COVID, st. petersburg, Moscow
6. Soviet Terror of the Skies: Marina Raskova and the Night Witches

The bravery with which the all-female 588th Night Bomber Regiment defended the Soviet Union from Nazi invasion earned them a legendary nickname.

Tags: ussr, stalin, air travel, women, great patriotic war, world war ii
7. Rushin' to Get Back To Russia

Russophiles delight! The motherland calls, and she's saying that American ex-pats are welcome to enter through her borders once again.  

Tags: news, travel tips, travel, borders, visas, coronavirus, air travel
8. Sandwiches, Suitcases, and Swaddling Clothes

In this week's Odder News, marked up sandwiches, magic suitcases, and Chadian soldiers as alarm clocks.

Tags: babel, beluga, air travel, simferopol, kolyma, anadyr, Far East
9. Flying High

Russian air travel has changed radically over the past two decades. While there are still grave security concerns, there has been a boom in aircraft and airport construction, with positive impacts for travelers into and within the country.

Tags: aeroflot, travel, safety, air travel
10. Oh Nice, Real Mature

Russian airline Pobeda is under investigation for making our inner 14-year-olds giggle.

Tags: transport, sports, air travel, humor

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 12

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